Have you ever found yourself stuck? Webster Dictionary defines stuck as “baffled, stumped, to remain in a place, situation or environment, glued, blocked, jammed, to hold fast, and unable to proceed”.

Truth be told, I have been stuck a time or two – stuck in bad relationships, stuck in unsatisfying jobs, stuck financially, and stuck with fitness. However, I must admit that 99% of the time when I’ve found myself stuck, it was because of poor decision-making on my part. Just like the day I got my truck stuck in a snow bank. I had just taken the 2011 Polar Bear Plunge for Special Olympics, and became impatient after waiting almost an hour in a parking lot traffic jam. I got the bright idea that I would drive over a large snow bank to bypass all the traffic. As pictured below, the snow bank proved to be brighter and bigger than me.

Your probably wondering why I’m smiling in this picture. It’s because I’m never stuck for long! You don’t have to be either. Within 10 minutes, a group of kind souls hitched my truck to theirs and pulled me back to a straight way. We had a good laugh, and they promised to display this mishap on YouTube.

Are you stuck with your fitness goals? Is that last five pounds holding fast to your glutes? Are the first 50 pounds blocking the vision of a thinner you? Do you have so many fat rolls, you can’t see your toes? Did you eat the whole pack of Oreos again? Have you done 10,000 sit ups, and still don’t have a 6-pack? Do avoid the word exercise? If you are unable to proceed, jammed on your fitness journey, let the YMCA be your hitch to better health and wellness. Group exercise classes and/or joint personal training sessions offer the support and encouragement you may need from others in a similar jam, to help you move forward.

Ladies, Gents and Janet Jackson Wannabes, getting stuck is an occurrence, staying stuck is a choice. Call (585) 546-5500 or visit www.rochesterymca.org to find a Y near you.