YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program Testimonial

June 22, 2011

Most of my family is overweight.  Growing up the thought was that I had “big bones”, or that being overweight was my family build.  Coming from a large family, diabetes is prevalent.  My maternal and paternal grandfathers had the disease.  My maternal grandfather passed due to residual effects of the disease, and my paternal grandfather lost a limb.  Currently the disease resides close to home in my father.  My father was recently on disability due to necrotic ulcers on his feet.

I can recall the first YDPP meeting.  I have to laugh, I was late as usual.  Our instructor Rose began with a prayer.  I remember thinking; great she is one of those over the top religious types.   I did not sign up for bible study for Saturday morning, there are other things I can do, etc…  I had gathered a list of excuses not to continue the program.  But then Mrs. Nichols spoke of what she has overcome in her own struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight, and she inspired me.

As stated earlier I’ve always been what some called a “healthy” child, however, my eating habits and lack of exercise did not speak to a healthy life style.  When diagnosed with Hodgkin’s, the major concern was weight loss.  That became my crutch to keep the weight on. I then became pregnant and was placed on bed rest at 19 weeks. Although I only gained twenty seven pounds during my pregnancy, being on bed rest set the precedence for inactivity.

I would be dishonest if I stated I’ve tried to lose weight in the past, I have not.  I’ve always been ok with my size. However, seeing the ulcers on my father’s feet scared me.  At that point, I decided something has to give and I need to try to make a life style change that will not only be for the betterment of me, but also my child.

The YDPP program helped me understand what a healthy lifestyle is.  It encouraged healthy eating, increasing daily activity.  The lessons spoke to factors in life that can deter you from maintaining a healthy life style.  Such as managing stress, understanding what triggers you to be unhealthy as well as understanding what habits you may have.  The lessons in the program not only helped me with beginning a healthy life style; they also have helped me with managing stress in my personal and professional life.  I can honestly say after the program I have a different perspective on life.

I cannot say that I have given the program 100%, I did commit to 80%.  I have begun to eat healthier; however, I am still working on documenting what I eat on a daily basis.  This is the most active that I have been in my life. In addition to my normal walks, house work, etc… I also work out every evening for a minimum of 20 minutes.

If my son decides to sprint away from me, I can run after him and not feel winded.  I can thank the YDPP program for this.  My clothing is fitting me a little looser, in some items I have purchased, I was able to purchase a smaller size; I can thank the YDPP program for this. I don’t think I would have completed this program if it were not structured the way it is.  I feel a fellowship amongst the members as well as our instructor and the YMCA staff. This fellowship has helped me through the program.

Thank you.


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